Sunday, November 7, 2010

2 Months After Liberation Video

Well, it's about time for a new updated video. Check it out here.

I'll be leaving for Mexico in a week to go back to Sanoviv for my 2 month follow up appointment. This will mean getting new doppler scans of my veins to check that they are still open and have correct flow. I will meet with a Neurologist and the rest of my medical team as well.

I'll share more when I return.


  1. Unfortunatly we all worry and stress to much on what people think or might think about us. Don't Worry about it becuase I can assure you that nobody is thinking that you should be further along than you are. Your doing FANTASTIC!!!! And Your looking FABULOUS!!!!!!
    I know that everyone is so proud of you.

    Take Care
    As I have said before..... you always Inspire me!

    Love you

  2. Hope everything goes well with your trip Holly!!

    and I couldn't agree with Rhonda more!
